New proposals could see unused spaces in two Hackney estates re-purposed into thriving community gardens.

Consultations have opened for a community garden at Datchler Estate in Springfield and another in Portland Rise Estate near Finsbury Park.

Unused space behind Feldman Close on the Datchler Estate would, according to the proposals, see Hackney Council work with residents to re-purpose the spot.

The aim being to create a space for residents to grow their own food and enjoy the natural surroundings.

A similar proposal has also been launched to turn sites, in the garden area of Portland Rise Estate, at the back of Warwick House and Fleming House, into a community garden with similar benefits for the estate's community.

Residents are invited to share their ideas and thoughts on how the spaces could be transformed.

Both consultations close on December 17.

Share your thoughts on the Datchler Estate proposal at

Or the Portland Rise Estate proposal at