Swimmers at Hampstead Heath’s famous ponds may have to pay an extra 20p per dip next year.

Fees and charges at the Men's Pond, Mixed Pond and Kenwood Ladies Pond, are set to rise by 5%, a report by the City of London Corporation (CoLC), which runs the pond, shows.

A swim at each pond currently costs £4.25, or £2.55 with concessions.

Under the new charges, a swim would cost £4.45. 

An annual pass to use the ponds costs £132.80, which could rise to around £140.

Charges to use the wild swimming spot have previously led to protests.

A row erupted in March 2020 after a decision was made to make charges compulsory at the ponds. There was previously an honesty box system.

Last year Christina Efthimiou, a disabled swimmer at the woman’s pond, took the corporation to court over the charges.

The 60-year-old claimed prices at the pond give rise to unlawful disability discrimination. But she lost her case.

At the time the CoLC pointed out that just under 4% of users were thought to have paid the voluntary charge.

The new prices are mainly to help pay for life guards and other staff at the ponds but the Highgate Men’s Pond Association (HMPA), the Kenwood Ladies’ Pond Association (KLPA) have suggested a number of concessions to make up for the changes.

The swimming groups have asked for free swimming times for the over 60s to be extended to between 7am and 12pm.

They have also called for a six-month free swimming ticket for recently arrived refugees. The groups further called for a price freeze due to the cost of living crisis.

The HMPA and KLPA also want a support fund to be set up for swimmers who cannot afford season tickets.

Customers money will be reinvested into the Heath. The fees and charges at the park are already subsidised by charities to promote, according to the report.

The ponds are set to undergo a £700,000 revamp to make them more disabled-friendly. The new facilities also include new changing rooms, toilets and better lifeguard huts.

A specialist hoist will be installed at Highgate Men’s Pond to help wheelchair users get in and out of the water as well as a new wheelchair ramp and Hampstead Mixed Bathing Pond.

The shower, changing, and toilet block will also be extended at the mixed pond will also to make it more accessible for disabled users.

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