The director of a foreign languages company claims she is still waiting for a refund worth thousands of pounds from a developer - months on from when it was promised.

Carolina Portilla Costa, director of Ven Language Services Limited, put down a deposit of £6,894.72 to open up her business in Hornsey Town Hall (HTH).

She was informed by HTH in June 2023 that Ven was entitled to ask for a refund of the deposit because of ongoing construction delays to a development proposed by Far East Consortium (FEC).

The developer was granted planning permission in 2017 to construct 146 homes – 11 of which would be affordable – and a hotel.

Carolina says she still has not received a penny of the refund.

Hornsey Town Hall Arts Centre apologised, saying it "deeply regrets" the delay but claimed the matter has now been "remedied".

In 2022 Carolina had discussions with Hornsey Town Hall (HTH) and Hornsey Arts Centre, subsidiaries of FEC, about the hire of classroom space in the development and paid the deposit.

After being told she could request a refund, Carolina did this and received repeated assurances from the arts centre, FEC and Time and Space at HTH that Ven would receive payment.

However six months later, in December 2023, she said her "many requests for repayment" had been ignored.

On April 10 Ven obtained a County Court judgment against HTH for £8,461.94 but Carolina says it is yet to see any of it. 

“The arts centre agreed to pay back my deposit more than six months ago," Carolina said.

"As a small business I need the repayment urgently and it is causing me much stress and worry.

"I do not understand why I have not been repaid, even after I obtained a County Court judgment.”

William Rodgers, a lawyer who was helping Carolina pro bona said how the director was treated was "unacceptable".

He added: "Despite numerous requests to the arts centre, Time & Space and FEC nothing has been repaid. It's unacceptable."

A spokesperson for Hornsey Town Hall Arts Centre did not say why it did not respond to earlier requests for remediation.

They said: “Following dialogue with Ven Language Services in the early part of this year, the refund was agreed in March, but due to a legitimate administrative banking issue at that time, was unfortunately delayed. 

"We deeply regret this situation and are pleased to confirm the matter has been remedied and apologise for the inconvenience caused. 

"Finally, we hope to welcome Carolina and her company back to the arts centre in the future to enjoy the new facilities.”