Supermarket giant Aldi plans to move into a former Poundland shop in Muswell Hill.

The budget chain has put in a licensing application to Haringey Council to take over the store in Muswell Hill Broadway.

Poundland announced it would be closing its Muswell Hill branch on June 9, 2022.

The retailer told the Ham&High at the time that it was closing due to its lease running out.

According to the licensing application, Aldi intends to take over and to be able to sell alcohol from 6am to midnight on Monday to Sunday, allowing the supply of alcohol off the premises.

The shop would also be open for the same hours.

Anyone wishing to voice their opinion on the application is asked to contact the licensing team at by June 20.

All representations must include your name and address. They must relate to the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm.