A group of Jewish schoolchildren were allegedly assaulted in an "antisemitic" attack at a Tube station.

British Transport Police said that the incident took place at Belsize Park at around 4pm yesterday (June 24).

The Community Security Trust (CST), a charity that protects British Jews from antisemitism and related threats, said on X that it had received reports that the schoolchildren involved were Jewish.

The charity added: “Thankfully it does not appear that anybody was seriously injured, but this was nonetheless a threatening and distressing incident for those involved and a further example of the unacceptable levels of antisemitism in our country.”

The CST said that extra support and reassurance to the school would be provided and that it would work with BTP.

The charity claimed that police have opened a hate crime investigation and would “ensure additional police presence in the area”.

The statement concluded: “Our ongoing priority is to ensure that Jewish children can go about their daily lives free from harassment and anti-Jewish hatred.”

Anyone with any information which could help police has been urged to text officers on 61016, quoting reference 471 of 24 June.

British Transport Police have been contacted for more information.