People have been heading to the polling booths to place their votes.

Charlie Vinnie and Helen Greaves were at the polling station in Croftdown Road, Dartmouth Park, this morning (July 4).

The ward is part of the new Hampstead & Highgate constituency, which replaces much of the Hampstead & Kilburn seat.

The pair said they were "relieved to be voting at last" but had different opinions on whether Labour will be triumphant with a predicted major landslide.

"It's a huge day in national life," said Charlie.

People queuing to vote at Gospel Oak Methodist Church in Agincourt RoadPeople queuing to vote at Gospel Oak Methodist Church in Agincourt Road (Image: Nathalie Raffray)

Helen produced a black and white picture of her mother with a group of people including Clement Attlee, who was leader of the Labour Party from 1935 to 1955 and Prime Minister from 1945 to 1951.

"She's in her 90s now," she said. "She doesn't live around here but it will be the 22nd year she's voted."

One labourer, who had travelled from Exeter for a job in the area, said they had voted earlier in the day.

Clerks at the polling station said they had seen around 300 people by 11.30am.

"We've had no problem at all with people forgetting their voter ID," said one.

Reports of delays receiving postal votes have caused particular concern in parts of the country.

The clerk added: "Some people had postal votes but had come without them and had to go back and fetch them.

"We are accepting those."

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