Liam Gallagher could soon get a new swimming pool and security gates at his Highgate home.

The ex-Oasis frontman has asked Haringey Council for permission to carry out a makeover of his mock Tudor mansion.

Plans suggest a heated swimming pool could be built in the back garden and new entrance gate fitted out the front.

The family is reportedly worried that the existing gates and walls do not provide them with the “necessary privacy or security”.

Gallagher has promised to limit the environmental impact of his new swimming pool by proposing to install an air source heat pump.

This aims to reduce the pool’s carbon footprint and avoids the use of gas.

The noise level of the heat pump will be only 27 decibels from ten metres away, about as loud as a whisper, in the hope of not upsetting any of the neighbours.  

Eagle-eyed readers of the singer’s planning documents will spot that Gallagher has also outed himself as an Elvis fan.

A huge picture of the star can be seen propped up at Gallagher’s home in the existing courtyard.

Gallagher submitted the application to Haringey Council in April, with a consultation period ending on June 24.

It is not yet known when the authority will make a decision on the plans.