Community campaigners have helped to transform an unloved dumping ground into a pleasant oasis with trees and paving.

For years Dumpton Place had lived down to its name as an eyesore, with brimming bins and parked cars.

Now, Primrose Hill's conservation area advisory committee has joined forces with Camden Council and the adjacent Lansdowne Pub to spruce up the cul de sac, which backs onto a railway line.

Community volunteers will keep the green area weeded and wateredCommunity volunteers will keep the green area weeded and watered (Image: Marcus Shields)

Committee chair Richard Simpson said the project was 12 years in the making. "I have to admit it was a bit of a dump," he said.

"When I first moved here it was a Volvo maintenance yard full of parked cars.

"But after they left, both the buildings on either side were redeveloped as commercial properties with houses behind them, and Dumpton Place became a bit of leftover space with a lot of cars left there."

The scheme, which was funded by Camden from community payback schemes charged to developers, has doubled the width of the pavement outside the pub and added a planted area including three trees.

The scheme has widened the pavement next to the Lansdowne pub allowing for more outside tables and bike parkingThe scheme has widened the pavement next to the Lansdowne pub allowing for more outside tables and bike parking (Image: Marcus Shields)

"It's been done very nicely," added Richard.

"The pub is obviously delighted because it can now have more tables outside, and Network Rail is even helping to restore the wall."

Fellow committee member Pam White has organised volunteers to water and weed the new greenery.

"It's been a really successful co-operation between us as a community and Camden officers," he added.

"It's worked fantastically well - people have got more involved as it's gone along, once they see it, they respond and take ownership.

"Conservation areas are places with special character, we are supposed to preserve and enhance them, and it's good to get the opportunity to enhance as well as preserve for a change."